Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer is Here!!

Yesterday was the first day of summer and my garden is in its glory. All of my hydrangeas are in full and glorious bloom, the russian sage is out, lilies of all kinds are blooming, my new dahlias are crazy with hot pink flowers, and the phlox, black eyed susans and purple coneflowers will be busting out soon. Everything is buzzing with bees, thank God, so lots of pollinating going on. My containers are getting lush, and the strawberries actually have berries. The hot sunny days are pushing those lazy flowers out everywhere, and our warm spring this year helped everything along early.

Still haven't gotten our veggie garden going yet... Too much baseball, lacrosse and end of year school stuff... is it too late? We tried peas in pots and also carrots, and we got a few snow peas which were yummy. The carrots need to be moved or they are going to be really short little things.

Mark and I are anxious to get it going, but my husband has been too busy every weekend with baseball to build our raised beds. Now that's over...unless my 8 year old makes the summer team. We find out today. Veggies or baseball...hmmmm...tough one...

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